'Agency' Released

We are happy to announce the official release of Agency, by Sean Fenian and Robert Auerbach. Eighteen months in the making, this new novel should be available on the Amazon Kindle store within 72 hours. It's been a long road, but it's done. We hope you, our readers, enjoy it.

'Agency' release now imminent

Happy New Year to all of our readers!

We are happy to report that Agency, the book project formerly titled Because It Tells Me to, is currently in the final stages of editing and will be released very shortly now. We do not expect any further major changes at this point.

Agency will be Fenian House's first release of 2025, and is the first book collaboration between Sean Fenian and Robert Auerbach. The latter is a name you will become a lot more familiar with in the future.

Agency is a near-future SF thriller set against a background of the climate change crisis ... with both expected, and wholly unexpected players. To say more than that would be telling.

Upcoming Books from Fenian House

New Books Coming Soon:

Becoming Real

Becoming Real is an SF postmodern love story with a twist.

Or perhaps it's a commentary on some of the blind spots of video game design.

Or perhaps it's an exploration of the natures of humanity and reality. What is real, and what is virtual. Who is human, and who is not.

Or perhaps it's all of these things.

Agency (formerly titled Because It Tells Me To)

Written with Robert Auerbach, Agency (retitled during editing) is a near-future SF thriller set against a background of the climate change crisis ... with both expected, and wholly unexpected players. To say more than that would be telling.

Both Becoming Real and Agency are currently in the hands of Wendy S. Delmater, editor-in-chief of Abyss and Apex Magazine, for editing. After that, only final production should be left to do. Both books should be released early in the new year.

On Audiobook Publishing

Esteemed Readers,

Yesterday I was approached by an audiobook publishing company, Qiwi Audio, about a "fully voiced" audiobook production of my Celtic-fantasy short novella For Love Of Caitlîn. I was interested, because I think a full-cast production would work much better for it or for my standalone alternate-world fantasy novel Fireborn than a simple narration, but puzzled because I've had almost no sales on For Love of Caitlîn. I mentioned this, and this morning received an inquiry from Qiwi about Fireborn.

Since then I've dug a little more deeply into Qiwi Audio, and it has become apparent that ALL of Qiwi's production is done via generative-'AI' voicing ... generative AI that was doubtless trained on the work of actual voice actors. In other words, Qiwi's entire business model is built upon using generative AI to take work away from actual voice actors.

I won't be a part of that. I just informed Qiwi that I'm not interested.

Sean Fenian

A Line In The Stars Released

A Line In The Stars, the triumphant conclusion to Sean Fenian's Stardock Trilogy, has been officially released and is available for purchase on the Amazon Kindle Store. A Line In The Stars is priced on par with the preceding two volumes of the trilogy at $4.99 US.

A Line In The Stars: Final Draft

The final text of A Line In The Stars is complete, barring any last-minute corrections. It is now waiting only on the cover typography, and will be published as soon as I have the completed cover. This should be within the next week. For those of you who prefer audiobooks, work should begin on the Podium Entertainment audiobook edition shortly.

Out for Beta

The first draft of A Line In The Stars has been sent out to beta readers for review. As soon as I have beta reviews back and the final cover typography in hand, and make any needed final edits ... it'll be release day.

A Line In The Stars: Release pending

At time of writing this, A Line In The Stars is finally almost complete. I have just a little more of the very end to wrap up before I send it out to beta readers.

If no major problems are found by my beta readers, then the book should be released by the end of September, and the main body of the Stardock Trilogy will be complete. I do not RULE OUT future stories in the Stardock universe; neither do I promise them. I will assure you that I won't write future books in the setting just to write a book in a best-selling series. If I write another book in the Stardock universe, it will be because I think I have come up with another story to tell there that is worth the telling.

But don't worry. I have LOTS of other stories lined up to be told in the meantime.