Teasers: Future Books
Sean Fenian
Status: In development
The Prophecy of Tendarrion—or at least, one likely reading thereof—said that the time was coming for the goddess Jirilis to die.
Jirilis, understandably, was rather unhappy about this. Her plans for the future did not involve dying yet. But, a prophecy is a prophecy.
Prophecies, however, are notoriously fickle about exactly what precise interpretation of them turns out in the end to be correct. The possibly existed of finding an exploitable loophole. But Jirilis could not exploit it herself. That was, to greatly oversimplify the explanation, “against the rules.” Prophecy and the powers of gods didn’t work that way.
Jirilis needed a champion. Not one who could win battles for her, not one who could slay mighty enemies for her, not one who would spread her word or perform heroic deeds in her name.
No, Jirilis needed a champion who could subvert a prophecy. And she had an idea that she knew just who that might be.
Free Agency
Sean Fenian and Robert Auerbach
Status: Book concept
Don't count any chickens yet, but ... we are discussing concepts for a possible sequel to Agency. Just because the Box is gone, doesn't mean it's gone for good.